Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cash Alexander 1 month old!

Last week our baby boy turned a month old, where has the time gone?! 

Cashs 1 month old stats:

Length - 21 3/4 inches
Weight - 11 lbs
Diapers - Size 1
Clothing size - Mostly newborn still but venturing into some 0-3 months

His legs and feet/toes are so long and skinny! He has the chubbiest little cheeks and he is still a little baldy, although I have noticed his little peach fuzz coming in some more :) He has also started to grin and smile a little bit, I'm looking forward to big smiles and lots of cooing this month! :)

He sleeps so good! For the most part he only wakes up once per night. He is still sleeping in our room but hoping to get him into his crib in the next week or so. Putting him in his crib at night is going to be harder on me than it is him, he already takes a few naps in there during the day ;)

And as for Jade she has taken to being a big sister so well! I am actually surprised at how protective she is of him. She loves to give him kisses and every time she hears him cry she runs over saying "Cash crying, Cash crying" It's literally the cutest thing. 

I still can't believe he is a month old already, but I am so happy and can't wait to watch him grow and learn new things! 

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